EP 15 | The Psychology of Anticipation and Its Role in Marketing

Today we’re talking about one of the most powerful, yet underutilized, marketing tactics out there: anticipation marketing.

When it's done right, you can pique your audience's interest and bring them along on a journey that gets them so invested that when it’s time to announce your new service or product, you don't have to sell to them. They're already bought in.

Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it? 

In this episode, Brenna McGowan reveals how to create an anticipation marketing campaign for your next launch, take your audience engagement to a whole new level, and how to avoid common mistakes businesses make when implementing anticipation marketing tactics.

If you have a business announcement on the horizon, big or small, this episode will help you get your audience on board and ready to buy.

Topics covered: 

  • The psychology behind why anticipation marketing works
  • How anticipation marketing creates an opportunity for conversations that lead to sales (and feels less icky)
  • The four "A's" you need in place for your marketing to be successful
  • What you can learn from The Real Housewives and Bravo about marketing
  • Why anticipation marketing is the perfect tactic for people who don't like to sell.
  • Tips on how to sustain the momentum you built up during the anticipation period
  • A cheat sheet on content creation using anticipation psychology
  • How attention and anticipation naturally ebb and flow in our lives and business

Brenna McGowan is an award-winning email copywriter who helps the words that sounded so good in your head appear even better on the page.

Brenna works with some of the biggest names in online marketing and has a knack for helping clients tell everyday stories that fill up their programs and jack up their email open over 50%!

Do you utilize anticipation marketing in your business? If not, will you make this strategy part of your marketing framework? Send me a message on LinkedIn or Instagram to let me know. I'd love to hear from you!

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