EP 35 | How to Build Trust with Clients in 3 Simple Steps

In a world where people seem to have forgotten the importance of citing their sources and words like “authenticity” have lost all meaning, it’s time for a deeper discussion about building trust with your audience. Specifically, how to build trust through your business marketing.

This episode was inspired by marketing mistakes and bad tactics I’ve been seeing online for far too long and Francis Frey’s incredible TED Talk about how to build (and rebuild) trust. Today I’m sharing how to incorporate her 3 key principles into your marketing to build trust with your audience. They apply whether you’re running a big business, small personal brand, healthcare practice, or online business. 

Topics Covered:

  • Why brand trust matters and how your marketing can build or destroy it
  • 3 key components of building trust 
  • Ways to demonstrate authenticity in marketing (and what happens when you don’t)
  • How case studies and reviews impact brand perception  
  • Why, how, and when to cite your sources in marketing
  • When to weave emotion and empathy into your marketing (and why)
  • How storytelling fosters trust 
  • One of the biggest marketing mistakes companies make

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Links & Mentioned Resources

360 Program

The Power of Empathetic Listening & Sensory Storytelling w/ Zafira Rajan

Francis Frey’s TED Talk

Connect with Sunny




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