
Thanks for your interest in being on Marketer For Hire!

Please take a minute to complete this application so I can learn a little about you, your business, and why MFH is a great fit. Once approved, my team will reach out to get you going with scheduling and studio details!

We are looking for guests who want to talk about:

  1. Marketing strategies, tactics, tools, budgets, and management from the perspective of the business owner. For example, if we’re talking about Instagram, we want to focus on how a business owner should view metrics and how to tell if it’s converting to sales vs. the day-to-day intricacies of posting and trends.
  2. Hiring, training, onboarding, and leadership best practices for small to medium sized businesses.
  3. Marketing challenges. If you’re a small-to-medium-sized business owner who wants to participate in a live coaching session on the podcast, please email [email protected] and we will send you a different guest form.

Thanks and looking forward to chatting!
